Across the globe, government officials have advice people to stay at home as much as possible. More and more companies are also facilitating work from home. The whole objective is to maintain social distancing for the time being. Here in Dubai, all the gyms are closed and people are mostly sticking indoors. Now, with gyms being closed there are very few options left for you to workout. We at Fitness Trainers are here to help you convert your home to your workout ground without any challenges.
If you follow fitness influencers, by now you must have seen your social media scream out for home workouts. While current situation has completely disrupted the normal life, it’s no excuse to get lazy and skip workouts. We need good health, now more than ever. So how do we maintain good health and how can we actually have amazing home workouts. Voja Budrovac, CEO and head personal trainer at Fitness Trainers LLC guides us on the home workout process. So here are the top recommendations from Voja, who has been giving personal trainings for over 13 years.
Make home workout challenge
One way to keep yourself engaged in working out at home is by taking part in a challenge. It is one of the best ways to improve your health while maintaining the enthusiasm. Voja has created on YouTube and website an amazing 10 day challenge where you get to do every day 10 workouts with 10 reps. These workouts need no equipment and you can do it at your home from any corner. This 10 day challenge is designed in such a way that a beginner or advanced, anyone can do these and see great results in 10 days. Depending on your level of fitness, you can choose the number of sets you would like to perform.
Be creative
Since you are at home most of the time, it is hard to find enthusiasm for working out. That’s why a challenge is a good way to keep you hooked. Another way would be to follow creative home workout contents and mix them with your usual workout every now and then. Fitness Trainers makes sure to post creative and effective body weight workouts. These workouts are designed by our experienced Fitness Trainers and result is guaranteed.
Personal Trainer
I don’t think there was ever a better need for personal trainers, than now. Our personal trainers are making sure the fitness level of their clients are perfectly maintained. Coming with great experience and training, our personal trainers are fully dedicated in making the best diet and workout plan for you. Having a personal trainer will not only guarantee results, it will also keep you motivated at all times. If you would like to do home workout with our personal trainer but are skeptical due to Coronavirus, you can opt for Online personal trainings.
Hopefully, these points help you focus on your health and help find the right content for you. If you wish to use the current situation to make your fitness and health level impeccable, we are just a click away!
Call now and let us help you prepare to fight off any health issue.
Voja Budrovac
I am Voja Budrovac, Business Strategist, certified Fitness Trainer, Full contact champion, living and managing 100+ Fitness Trainers based in Dubai, bringing them income to maintain their life in UAE. To come to this position I needed to invest in myself, business, sales, certificates, books, mistakes and finally success. In FitProWorld program you will get all strategies, tactics, knowledge to become very successful in Fitness industry. Now that I have proven recipe to make your income higher in short period of time, I will unselfishly share my program and deliver to you all my knowledge about becoming Fitness expert, How to build your Social Media profile attractive to high-ticket clients, How to build your online business, How to run Google, Facebook and Instagram ads, How to build Winning Mindset, How to build your Pricing, and earn money Online or One-on-One anywhere in the world from your laptop.