Today, while we live in the electronic device age, it becomes more and more difficult to stay fit and well. Every person on earth today, at least at some point of the day is sitting incorrectly. We sit in front of the computers or we hang out on the phone in ridiculous positions. The more we live in our unhealthy ways, the more our body craves workouts, healthy meals, and happy thoughts. While looking for a way to live a healthy life, fitness instructor Dubai could be a great choice for you and your kid. Especially is important for our kids to grow strong and without looking too much on the phones. The workout has more effect on a child’s brain than we think, so they need to work on their motor skills. Parent-and-Kid Workout could be a great time spent together and at the same time, it’s useful.
Finding the right partner in exercise
Working out with a kid and a personal trainer at the same time could be challenging. Kids shouldn’t work out with weights and similar stuff before puberty. It also depends on how old is the kid, the exercises are different for every age. Not every age can do the same exercises as grown-ups.
If you still find the opportunity – working with a great gym instructor could be life-saving. In the moments when we don’t have the strength for working out, whether physical or mental, the instructor is there for us to motivate.
Exercises children should do all the time
There are always basic sports for every age and person on this planet. For children especially is interesting:
- Athletics – running is extremely important for children
- Everything that includes balls (basketball, volleyball, football, etc.)
- Climbing if there is an option – great for motor skills
- Martial arts (karate, judo, wrestling, etc.)
- Swimming
- Tennis
- and similar sports
Whatever is fun and includes running and motor skills is great for a kid, especially if they are younger than kids in puberty.
For the older kids – “the grown-up ones” h4
After puberty starts, they can begin also with some stronger exercise. At that age, they equally can go to the gym with their parents if they want. İn that case, you just need to find a place for working out that you like and a fitness program. İf you don’t want to think about what exercises you could do together; you can always work with a personal trainer. If you look for a gym personal trainer Dubai, find the best one for your kid and yourself. When you work with a personal trainer, you can be sure that you always have an exercise program ready and that you will be monitored by the professionals. You won’t be doing your exercises in the wrong way, therefore there is less opportunity to hurt yourself.
Find someone fun and nice
If you plan to work out together with your kid, you must find someone fun and nice to help you work out together. If a kid doesn’t like the personal trainer, working out will be unimaginable for him or her! It is important to have a good relationship with the trainer. If you are getting along, all the exercises will be more effective and you won’t find the exercises as difficult. When you like your program and the person that makes it, you will have fewer excuses to skip training or quit.
Don’t quit if you don’t have to
Everyone knows that when you quit the first time, sometimes it is difficult to start again, look for something new, etc. The best option is to meet your trainer before starting the program. Chat a little, see what a person is like, and are you going to get along. If you like the trainer you met, you can get the membership and make sure to plan the working program with that person before someone else get to him.
5 Exercises for a Parent-and-Kid Workout
Even though the gym isn’t for every age, there are always basic exercises that everyone can and should do. İf you want to exercise by yourself, just you and your kid or kids, these 5 exercises are the best ones:
- Push-ups
- Pull-ups
- Squats
- Abdominal crunches
- Lunges
Everyone, at any age, can work these exercises. How hard will work – depends on the age of the kid. Repeating in series is not great for kids, but combining these 5 exercises in some relaxed mode with “natural” exercise (running, sports will ball, etc.). Just remember, it is always better to think of fun ways to exercise working out with kids.
Mix it up if you want
Let’s say you don’t have time for Parent-and-Kid Workout at the gym, but you still want to do something healthy together. Going to the gym can take the extra precious time we have from work, school, and other responsibilities in our lives. If you can and want to work out at home, but still, you are not sure that you will have the durability or that you will get bored from doing just the basic exercises. In that case, you can maybe work out at home with an online personal trainer who will know better what exercises are good for you and your children.
The babies can help a parent stay fit
When the baby comes is the most powerful thing on earth! But staying fit is almost impossible in the first few years. In general, moms and dads also just have the strength to do necessary things. Working out is not that necessary but at the same time, it could be great if you can move on with the healthy working out habit. Parent-and-Kid Workout is possible even with the baby in life. The baby is spending time with a parent, and the parent is staying fit. For example, there are a lot of ways to exercise with a baby, especially useful for moms.
In the end, in the parent-and-kid work out the time spent together is more important than the rest of it! The bonus part is that you can be healthy, fit, and strong together.
Voja Budrovac
I am Voja Budrovac, Business Strategist, certified Fitness Trainer, Full contact champion, living and managing 100+ Fitness Trainers based in Dubai, bringing them income to maintain their life in UAE. To come to this position I needed to invest in myself, business, sales, certificates, books, mistakes and finally success. In FitProWorld program you will get all strategies, tactics, knowledge to become very successful in Fitness industry. Now that I have proven recipe to make your income higher in short period of time, I will unselfishly share my program and deliver to you all my knowledge about becoming Fitness expert, How to build your Social Media profile attractive to high-ticket clients, How to build your online business, How to run Google, Facebook and Instagram ads, How to build Winning Mindset, How to build your Pricing, and earn money Online or One-on-One anywhere in the world from your laptop.