High intensity interval training or High intensity intermittent training, or HIIT in short, is considered to be the most effective workout in short span of time. Even though HIIT has existed and been practiced by athletes for a long time, only recently people have started identifying HIIT as key fitness method.
Fitness Trainer Dubai has been providing personal training’s to people with various fitness level and different age groups. While HIIT appears to be an advance level fitness activity, personal trainers at fitness trainers Dubai have make clients fall in love with the HIIT workouts.
Vojislav Budrovac, head personal trainer and owner of Fitness Trainers, highlights the following top 5 reasons why HIIT is getting so popular among everyone.
1. Time efficient
The key idea behind HIIT is to create exercises which can help you burn maximum calories while you spend little amount of time. We all have used having a very busy life as an excuse to skip workouts or have heard your best friend give this excuse every time. Now with HIIT, you can achieve an amazing and exhausting workout in mere 20-25 minutes only.
2. Improved Heart health
Several health studies have proven the fact that even after 8 weeks on HIIT trainings, you will see a significant improvement in your cardiovascular health. You can measure the impact by monitoring the activities like cycling, running etc and observe the ease with which you can cycle or run now, compared to before.
3. Burn fat quicker and more
By pushing your body by HIIT workouts, you not only burn more and more fat during the workout but also constantly burn fat for next 24 hours as well. When your fitness trainer gives you a quick 15 minute packed workout, you push your heart to higher limits and this keeps burning calories for hours after finishing the workout.
4. Do it anywhere even without equipment
Probably one of the reason HIIT has become so popular in recent time is because of the ease of requirements for this fitness routine. Clearly you can use weights, TRX or other equipment to burn even more calories but even if you don’t have a gym or any equipment, you can simply do this workout at home or park with partner and pre requisites.
5. New level of fitness
Many of regular gym hitters also struggle to increase cardiovascular strength. So HIIT is a challenging workout for everyone and pushes your fitness to another level. Not only the intensity of workout is your choice, never ending creativity is another amazing aspect of HIIT. So you can keep pushing yourself and keep improving.
So now you know the top 5 benefits of asking your fitness instructor to push you more towards HIIT workouts. Also now we believe you have even lesser reasons to give excuses from workout.
So what are you waiting for, contact the best personal trainers in Dubai and book a free trial session now!
Voja Budrovac
I am Voja Budrovac, Business Strategist, certified Fitness Trainer, Full contact champion, living and managing 100+ Fitness Trainers based in Dubai, bringing them income to maintain their life in UAE. To come to this position I needed to invest in myself, business, sales, certificates, books, mistakes and finally success. In FitProWorld program you will get all strategies, tactics, knowledge to become very successful in Fitness industry. Now that I have proven recipe to make your income higher in short period of time, I will unselfishly share my program and deliver to you all my knowledge about becoming Fitness expert, How to build your Social Media profile attractive to high-ticket clients, How to build your online business, How to run Google, Facebook and Instagram ads, How to build Winning Mindset, How to build your Pricing, and earn money Online or One-on-One anywhere in the world from your laptop.